Peace on Earth is a juried show being presented by 103 year-old Kathryn W. Davis and features multiple artists' visions of world peace. It runs from November 18 until December 30.
Mrs. Davis is no stranger to promoting peace as well as being a great advocate for education. Her current major gift of $1 million annually funds the Kathryn W. Davis Projects for Peace, in which she provides 100 university students with a grant of $10,000 each.
In a release from the ArtCenter, Mrs. Davis said,
“My many years have taught me that there always will be conflict, but I’ll remind you that love, kindness and support are also part of human nature. My challenge to you is to bring about a mindset of preparing for peace instead of preparing for war.”
In 2007, she was awarded the Woodrow Wilson Award for Distinguished Service.
Executive director of the Lighthouse ArtCenter, Katie Deits, reflects on what can come from the show.
"Is there no better time than the end of the year to reflect on how we might eliminate conflict in the coming year? And there is much we can learn from Mrs. Davis’ century of experience.”The Lighthouse ArtCenter is located at:
373 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, FL 33469